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We are the best here

Creative Web Development

Design Driven for Professionals

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Customized Web platforms

Dedicated Development Platforms

Best Platforms for your Brand

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Access Your Office 24/7

Responsive Web Platforms

Modern Technology! Access your Brand Anywhere

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Data Collection System

Business Management Software

Manage Your Business Wherever Whenever

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Engage your business on the go!

Mobile Application Development

24/7 Cliects' Care Services Technology

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For great authors

Proven Books Publishers

With Modern Technology Printing

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Technologies and platforms

We build your business platform with the latest technology platforms!

Leads Support System

Development Support

Our Support System is embeded with Artificial Intelligence (AI) to make support services easier and faster.


Account Management System

Leads Accounting System helps to get all records of all stocks, and helps prepare detailed account sheet for proper business management.

Companies of high quality of accounting management make use of our Account Management System (AMS) software to enhance their businesses.

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IQ Nigeria

Mathematics and English Laguage Academic Exposure

Quality database system for data collation for all candidates who registers for IQ Competition In Nigeria

Visit IQ Competition

Leads Maintenance Services

Application Maintenance

We maintain client's finished project with detailing and 100% focus, to make sure they get the best of our products and services.

All Applications

Website Maintenance

Website maintenance is as important as your business. For your business to keep existing on the web, it needs constant maintenance to keep it running.

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Mobile Applications/Maintenance

With amazing development tools, our professional developers will develope best application for your products and services.

Clients always desire 27/7 access to their usefull tools for fast service redering. Be sure we are going to give you the very best.

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All Applications

Data System Maintenance

We are dedicated to maintening client's database systems created by us.

Data Systems need periodic maintenance for better performance. With our dedicated staff, your Data System Application is safe.

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100% Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed!

We Care for your business the way you would.

We Care

Our Procedures for Projects Development

What you need to know when you are ready to get your work done with Leads.

Provide Detailed Project Info

Your company

You will send to us the detailed information of your company. Your day to day activities in relation to your clients. And also your targeted audience.

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Nature of business

Let us know what's your products and services.

Call to action

Your expectations from your company's website when the it is finally launched.

UI/UX Design

Architecture Platforms

We make use of professional code editors to develop and execute projects.

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UI/UX Design Platforms
Sample Presentation

Project Sample Presentation

The project sample will be sent to you for reviews and approaval for development commencement.

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Project Development

We have professional developers who specialise in developing wide range web-based application platforms. We develop web-applications such as content management systems (CMS), e-commerce platforms, enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions, customer relationship management (CRM) systems, and custom web applications.

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Project Assessment

Access Project Development

After the develpment is concluded, before deployment, client(s) will need to access the project to compare the final development to their submitted request(s).
This stage is so important for final detailings, and to ensure we meet our client(s) requirements.

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Project Deployment

Project Development

After accessment of the project, Leads team move towards deployment of the project to the hosting platform.
And in the situation where client(s) has a hosting package, which must have been in the contract agreement/discussions before the start of the project, Leads then releases/submit the project to the clients, and close the deal.

Maintenance & Support

Website/Mobile Application Maintenance

We take good time to manage your project continually, as it is part of our responsibilities in the contract agreement.

We are expert in web development, and with us, your web project is in good hands. Professionally, we can inherit an existing website or mobile application to also manage and maintain it for you.

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Customers relies on our expertise for web projects delivery

Web Projects
Custom Mobile Apps
Data Management
Company Branding
Digital Marketing
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Companies that need real solutions to their tech issues make use of Leads Solution Package

Contact Leads Customer Center
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Commercial and conventional business mobile application for Android and iOS!

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Schools, Supermarts, and other organization who garther array of data subscribe to our Data Solution Software Services

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Product and Company branding at the highest level is what great brands look out for

Get in touch now!
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For big names in any industry, digital marketing is inevitable

Contact our Digital Marketing Dept

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